I have heard it said that eyes are the window to the soul. Then why do we fail to maximize them? Eye makeup is made to enhance the window to your soul, not make you look like a clown. When you are young you should be experimenting with your makeup, figuring out your eyes, face, and lips. Being young means to enjoy, learn, and figure yourself out . As we age, we should be able to master our craft.
I love gravity. I am grateful to walk on solid ground and not float away; however, what gravity does to my face, eyes, and body is debatable. As we age, we lose the collagen in our skin--you know, the plump stuff that helps you look young. This gravity will cause your eyelids to droop and your cheeks to sag. The lack of collagen will create crow's feet and wrinkles.
These are all things we need to adapt to as we age. Even if you mastered the craft when you were young, you have to adapt to your ever-changing face.
The makeup you wore a decade ago is probably not what you should be wearing now. As we age we should consult makeup artists about what we might need to do to enhance our ever-changing face. I am not telling you this to make you feel bad, but to warn and educate you.
First thing when analyzing your eyes is this: take your fingers and measure your eye. Then place that measured portion and place it between your eyes and over the bridge of your nose. Then measure the other eye. If your measurements are equal (you have an eye measurement between your eyes), then your eyes are balanced. If your eye measurement is smaller, you have close together eyes and want your makeup to make them look more spread apart. If the space is larger than your eye measurement, you want to make your eyes look closer together.
All of this can be done with the right eye makeup. Everything we do for eye makeup is to make your eyelashes stand out. Eye shadow is normally taught to be placed on the eye light, dark, light. The dark normally behind where your eyelashes sit when your eyes are open. Hence the word eye shadow. It's supposed to help and support the appearance of long, full eyelashes.
Eye liner is suppose to do the same thing. Eyeliner is meant to be placed on the edge of your eyelid, connecting your eyelashes together. This creates the appearance of thicker, fuller eyelashes.
Your eyebrows are meant to frame your eyes and your face. Your eyebrows should be a shade or two darker than your head hair. This will create a stronger frame and help you look younger. If you are not filling in your eyebrows and they are not darker than your hair, you should start. At first you might feel like you look mean. But you will have others just look at you wondering what is different and why you look so good.
If the eyes are the window to the soul, then maybe we should invest a little time knowing how to make our eyes look as beautiful as our soul should be.
(This content is part of our Tami's Tips Collection)