Me versus Pinterest. I want to let you know I enjoy looking at Pinterest for ideas. I love the world of technology and information in our homes and in our hands. We can get great ideas from the most talented interior designers, beauticians, chefs, cake makers, and more. But Pinterest does not require a license or college degree to publish a pin! This means if you decide that you are an expert and want to pin advise with a picture, you can.
Pinterest can be used to inspire you. It can give you new fantastic ideas to create beautiful things. Paint your room a new bold color. Try a new hairstyle. Make a new dish for the dinner table. All these things are just some of the many ways you can use Pinterest to inspire you. I mean, the best form of flattery is imitation, right?
This is where I have trouble. Since anyone can pin on Pinterest, there is no regulation that what is pinned is truth or comes from anybody with any real credibility in this area. Beautiful, aesthetically pleasing pictures lead us to believe that the advice beneath them are true even when it is not. Trust me, I have talked SO many clients out of a beauty regimen that they saw and wanted to practice on Pinterest.
I completely understand the draw that these pins provide. You want to save money, so you try the latest pin on Pinterest. You make your own soap, or your start putting groceries on your hair. You try to change your hair color or cut your own hair. All because you saw it on Pinterest. AUGH!!!! Just because the internet says that it is easy or good for you does NOT make it true. I have had to save hair from burning off the scalp due to a pin from Pinterest. I have fixed more cuts and colors that I can count from internet mistakes. And every time groceries are being used on hair or skin I have had to remove or fix the damage that it is causing.
If you are currently using groceries to wash, clean or help your hair or skin STOP. The price for most grocery items and the price of something chemically formulated and approved by the FDA are about the same and always best. You may want to try a more organic approach. Companies sell skin and hair care products that are completely organic. They are formulated to help you by chemist that knows what they are doing. Back in the 1700's they had to make do with what they had, but it is 2018. We do not have to use groceries or do it ourselves. We have scientists and real experts who have done the trial and error for us. They have documented what helps our skin and hair. They have gone through endless hours of schooling and have become experts to give you what will really help you.
Use Pinterest for it’s intent and let it inspire, let it make you dream and help your creative passion go forward. Use the internet as a source of information, but not the only source. Make sure you have experts in your life that you trust and ask them for help. I'm just trying to teach you the truth about beauty and reminding you that when it comes to finding things that work for you, look to the experts along with doing your own research. Don’t jump on bandwagon trends created by people that just want to go viral on the internet.
(This content is part of our Vintage Collection)