Intro to Your Triangle-Down Face Shape
August 26, 2020Intro to Your Neutral Skin Tone
August 26, 2020
So your skin tone is cool. Isn’t that great? I’d bet if you walk into your closet you’d be amazed at all the things you’re doing right!
- I bet you would find whites, and blacks, and blues, and pinks, and purples.
- It’s likely that those colors are among your favorites!
- Always wear cool colors next to your face and arms. If you’d like to include some warm-colored clothes in your wardrobe, like rust and mustards and tans, wear the warm colors on the bottom half of your body in your pants or skirts.
- Another way to include warm colors is to wear them as a layer with cool-toned clothing next to your skin.
- Silver and nickel are the metals that look best in your jewelry.
- For hair color, you’ll feel your best when you’re a blue-black, chocolate brown, or an ash blonde.
- Avoid warm golden tones, or orangey-coppery red tones.
Knowing your skin tone can help you look your best in all the things you wear. You are beUtofull! You are a cool skin tone. It’s amazing!