Neutral Skin
A neutral skin tone looks equally flattering and healthy in white and in cream.
If you have a neutral skin tone, you get to enjoy the ultimate amount of freedom in all your color choices! Yay for U! You can choose from cool and warm colors (clear and earth-tones), but you might prefer either cooler or warmer shades.
There is normally only one color that you can't wear and that color varies from person to person. If you don't already know which color looks terrible on you, have some fun finding out. Your one bad color it is likely a primary color: true red, true yellow, or true blue. If those all look great on you, too, check pink and taupe to see if one of those colors is the one you should avoid. You'll know which color is your bad color because wearing it next to your skin, especially your face, will make you look ill.
- Clothes: Once you know which one color to avoid, the rest of the world is your rainbow!
- Jewelery: Yep - you can choose from any color of metal, too. Lucky U!
- Hair Color: If you tend to be a bit more cool or a bit more warm in your clothing colors, align your hair tone with that of your clothes. but really--the sky is the limit here, too!
Hear or read the Neutral Skin Tone Intro for more details.
More about Neutral Skin Tone
Coming soon!
- Which lip, eye, and cheek colors will look best on your skin tone and which should you avoid?
- Learn the nuances of your skin tone by using your undertone. Do you have a purple, green, blue, red, yellow, or orange undertone? Why does it matter and how can this help you to maximize your beUty?
- Along with a skin tone, you also have a skin type. Do you have dry, oily, combination, or acne skin and what products are best for you?
Come back soon to find out!