The Last Part of beUtofullness Is ’fullness.'
It's acknowledging your weaknesses (un-talents) and sharing your strengths, gifts and talents with the world around you. Your fullness is what you are born to be, it's living your true potential.
Fullness is NOT being everything to everyone. We aren't good at everything, nor can we do it all. It's impossible, so take the pressure off! There just isn't that much time in life. We are all exactly, differently the same. We are all made to have strengths and weaknesses, and there is a large variety of each. Besides, if we are good at everything, how to other people get to shine? Accepting our weaknesses and allowing room for others' strengths means that we can synergize and realize we are all needed and we all have a place in this world.
Develop Your Gifts
We are all different than we used to be and we aren't yet who we will be in the future. Try new things. Continue to find your gifts and strengths as well as your weaknesses. Develop your gifts and strengths into talents that you share with others to build and lift those around you. Accept your weaknesses and help others shine. When we surround ourselves with people who are great at different things, we lift each other. We stop comparing, competing, and self-sabotaging because we understand our beUtofull self more. Instead of depending on others to fill your emotional bucket, a beUtofull person is filled with inner confidence, vitality, and peace because they know, accept, and love who they are. Living your fullness allows you to move beyond yourself to lift and build others. We are all born to be great! Let's be great together.